News and Updates
News items of interest and alerts for any new information, or changes and additions on the website, will be announced on the this page.
- Final pictures - 29th November
- Two photosets by Martin Etherington have been loaded. They provide pictures from Day 1 and from Day 2. Download any you want. That is the last of the official pictures. An analysis of results will be available in a day or so.
- Interviews - 27th November
- Press and Radio interviews with WRC2010 Champions Chris Forne and Marcel Hagener
- More pictures - 26th November
- A second Flickr photoset provided by Tony Zwart is now available. Download any you want. One more set will become available over the next few days.
- Pictures - 24th November
- The first Flickr photoset of pictures is available courtesy of Mark Petty. Download any you want. More will become available over the next few days.
- Results - 22nd November
- Full results, including a map showing the routes of the top 3 teams, are now available via the Results page. A PDF version is provided for you to download. A range of pictures will be loaded in a few days.
- Map of the Model Course - 11th November
- A map of the Model Course is available from the Event Information page.
- Map of the Event Centre - 9th November
- A map of the Event Centre is available from the Event Information page.
- Final Instructions - 23rd October
- The Final Instructions for participants are available on the Event Information page. All participants should read these instructions carefully and ensure that they understand them.
Information on the Model Course (PDF version) is also available and some new pictures have been added to the gallery. - Online Shop Closed - 22nd September
- The WRC2010 Online is now closed. However, information on
- the purchase of southern hemisphere compasses
- the bus schedule and pickup locations, and
- the Friday evening meal menu
- Great Forest Rogaine website opens – 3rd September
- The Great Forest Rogaine, organised by the Rotorua Orienteering club (and Dennis de Monchy – WRC Champion 2006), two weeks before WRC may fit your travel plans. The event website is now open with information and online entry.
- Update to Website – 20th June
- The WRC course is fully marked out, vetted and ready to go. The course planners have prepared a report for us and they have also produced a document on the types of electric fences that you may encounter. Both documents are accessible from the top of the Event Information page.
- Updates to Website – 4th June 2010
- A purchases page has been added to the website. Through this new page you can
- Purchase southern hemisphere compasses,
- Reserve seats on the chartered bus from Christchurch,
- Purchase commemorative clothing,
- Order a Friday evening meal provided at the event site, and
- Register accompanying persons
- The Great Forest rogaine, organised by the Rotorua Orienteering club (and Dennis de Monchy – WRC Champion 2006), two weeks before WRC may fit your travel plans. See the Activities and Tourism page.
- People withdrawing between 1st August and 30th September now receive a 25% refund – see the section “Withdrawals and Team Changes” in the Registration page. Originally there was no refund for withdrawals over this period.
- Registration full – 1st May 2010
- Registration has been confirmed for the full quota of 550 people. There are 175 on the waitlist from which people will be offered an entry in rank order if there are withdrawals. The position of each team in the ranking is shown in the right-hand column of the List of Entrants
- Registration Phase 2 is complete, Phase 3 begins – 1st February 2010
- Phases 1 and 2 of the registration process have now completed and Phase 3 begins. (For explanation of the phases see the Entry Criterion and Process on the Registration page).
There are a total of 297 people in 143 teams in the Prequalifying and Under-represented categories. There are thus 253 positions still available within the number cap of 550. Emails inviting confirmation of entries up to the cap will be sent out in a few days.
So that everyone is aware of their position in the registration process the rank of the first member of each team has been added to the right-hand column of the List of Entrants.
The total number of registrants is 731 so there will be 181 people remaining on the waiting list after those within the cap are processed. It is evident that we are massively oversubscribed. Registrations will remain open until 30th September as previously advised but it is obviously extremely unlikely that new registrants will gain an entry into WRC2010. - Registration Phase 1 is complete – 16th December 2009
- Phase 1 - priority entry via a previous qualifying performance - is now finished. Phase 2, the Under- Representation phase, now begins. See the Entry criteria and process on the Registration page.
The criteria for entry via an under-represented country is currently satisfied by 57 people in 27 teams. In the under-represented age/gender category there are only Junior teams of 8 people in 4 teams. Emails inviting these people to confirm their entry will be sent out in the next few days.
Statistics on the entries are available at the bottom of the List of Entrants - Entries have been flooding in – 9th November 2009
- In the first week 500 people have registered for WRC2010. Statistics breaking the entries down in various ways are maintained at the bottom of the List of Entrants. Of the 500 people, 125 qualify for priority entry and 375 are currently waitlisted. Some of the latter will be offered a place in the under-represented phase (phase 2) of the entry process beginning 16th December.
What happens when the number of people reaches the cap of 550? We will continue to waitlist entries in the order that they are received. It is inevitable that some teams will withdraw in which case replacements will be allocated from the waitlist. - Registration is now open - 1st November 2009
- Information on Team Changes added to the Registration page - 23rd October 2009
- The Forum is now available for use - 5th October 2009
- Registration procedure released - 4th October 2009
- Details on the entry process and prequalification criteria have been added to the Registration page. A list of the people qualifying for priority entry is included.
- WRC website goes live - 9th September 2009
- The WRC2010 website goes live with information on Travel and Accommodation, suggestions for Activities and Tourism, and with preliminary Event Information. There are also some pictures of the terrain. Registration will open on 1st November 2009.
- Radio interview with Event Director, Pete Squires - 26th June 2009
- Listen to the interview on the RadioNZ "Country Life" program. (3.3MB MP3)
- 9th World Rogaining Championships announced - 11th January 2009
- The International Rogaining Association (IRF) announces that the 9th World Rogaining Championships will be held in New Zealand on the 20th – 21st November 2010. More…
- Facts about Rogaining - 11th January 2009
- The International Rogaining Association (IRF) backgrounds the sport of Rogaining supported by some interesting facts. More…