Event Information - Final Instructions
(Last update 11th November 2010)
Download: | PDF version of these Instructions |
Indemnity Form (PDF) | |
Safety Sheet (PDF) | |
IRF Rules for Participants (PDF) |
All members of your team must be aware of the information in these instructions. Please share it with them. Refer to Bulletin 1 for supplementary and background information not repeated in these Final Instructions.
On this page you will find information on -
Embargo: The area bounded by the Waiau River to the north, by the Pacific Ocean coast to the east, the Hurunui River to the south, and extending 12km to the west from State Highway One, except for public roads, is embargoed from now until the event. Any competitor found in this area will be disqualified from the event.
Directions to the Event Centre
The event centre is based at the Cheviot Area School. Travel to Cheviot on State Highway 1, 120km north of Christchurch or 70km from Kaikoura if approaching from the north. Turn off State Highway 1 in the centre of Cheviot heading east along the road signposted to Gore Bay. Within 100m turn left onto Caverhill Rd. The school is on your left 100m along Caverhill Road.
People travelling via the chartered bus should consult the Purchases page on the website for pickup locations and departure times.
Event Centre
The event centre is at the Cheviot Area School. We are very grateful to the school for making their facilities available to us. Please take care not to damage the school buildings and grounds. Park your vehicle and camp where directed by the attendants. Camping at the school opens at 17:00 on Friday and closes at 19:00 on Sunday.
People camping at the event centre must provide their own equipment including tent. Camping and parking are close together so you can camp a short walk from your car. Campers should have their own food and utensils for Friday evening (unless they have ordered a Friday evening meal) and for Saturday up until the hash house opens at 18:00. Food and meals can be purchased in Cheviot, a short walk from the school. Fires must not be lit and you should bring a gas stove. Hot water, tea, coffee and milo will be available from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon.
There will be space available for parking campervans near other campers, but electric power will not be available. A constant supply of hot water will be available nearby.
Toilets and drinking water will be provided. Please keep the event centre tidy by depositing all rubbish and food scraps in the bins. Use the basins provided for washing plates and utensils - do not rinse them under the taps provided for filling water containers.
Hashhouse food will be available to all competitors and registered accompanying persons from 18:00 on Saturday and there will be a full meal after the event. Disposable plates and utensils will be provided. The catering is being provided by the school's Home and School Association who have assembled a tasty menu.
Some tables and chairs will be available for course planning.
Storage for baggage, valuables and car keys will be available at the event centre.
Fires, smoking, dogs, and guns are not permitted anywhere at the Rogaine venue, that is campsite, administration area, or on the course.
Event Timetable
Registration will open on Friday evening and again on Saturday morning. The event timetable is:
Friday, 19th November 2010 | |
17:00 | Camping opens |
18:00 - 21:00 | Registration open |
18:00 - 20:00 | Evening meal available (for those booked) |
19:00 | IRF Meeting |
Saturday, 20th November 2010 | |
07:00 | Registration opens |
09:00 | Maps and associated information distributed |
11:30 | Wrist-tag activation begins |
11:45 | All competitors must be in the start area for briefing |
12:00 | Start of the 9th World Rogaining Championship |
18:00 | Food is now available at the hash house |
Sunday, 21st November 2010 | |
11:30 | Final meal is available |
12:00 | Finish. Teams finishing after 12:30 are recorded as LATE |
12:45 | Deadline for submission of any protests |
13:30 | Results and presentation. Catering finishes |
14:30 | Bus departs for Christchurch |
19:00 | Camping at the event centre closes (no camping Sunday night) |
Registration Procedure
Between 18:00 and 21:00 on Friday, or from 07:00 on Saturday, your team (one member is adequate) must present at the registration desk a completed Indemnity and Emergency Contact Form signed by each team member. Make sure you have entered your team number on the form. Any last minute changes in team composition MUST be advised.
In return for the Indemnity form your team will be issued with a Registration pack containing such items as race numbers, map voucher, vouchers for purchases (clothing, Friday meal), Navlight wrist tags, A3 and A4 plastic bags for your maps and checkpoint descriptions, the Rules of Competition and Code of Conduct.
Redeem your clothing vouchers at the clothing desk adjacent to the Registration area.
Terrain, Course and Map
Please refer to the Planners Report for a detailed description of the terrain. Representative pictures are available on the event website. For advice on crossing electric fences see the description of electric fences.
The 93 checkpoint locations are pre-marked on the map as are out-of-bound areas. Checkpoints are identified by either a standard 3-sided orange and white orienteering flag or a wrap-around version. They are not reflective. The value of each checkpoint will be the "tens" value of its number, for example 37 is worth 30 points and 53 is worth 50 points except that the special road-crossing checkpoints (refer to the section "Hazards and Safety" below) are worth 15 points each. The maximum that can be scored by visiting all checkpoints is 4860 points.
There are eight waterstops throughout the course. It is unsafe to drink from streams.
The map is printed on a single sheet slightly smaller than A2 at a scale of 1:40,000. The contour interval is 20 metres. The map is oriented to magnetic north along the major axis and has magnetic north lines overprinted. The mapping style is illustrated by a section of the map used for the New Zealand Championships 2009 (500KB GIF).
The paper on which the map is printed is not waterproof so appropriate map protection will be necessary. Each competitor will be provided with one map and one A3 sealable plastic bag. You may prefer to bring your own stick-on protection or map bag.
Checkpoint descriptions (one copy per competitor) are printed in English on an A4 sheet. An A4 sealable plastic bag will be provided to protect the descriptions. There is a distinction between "the" and "a" in describing checkpoints. For example, "the" watercourse means you can see it marked as a watercourse on the map, and "a" watercourse means that one exists, but it isn't marked on the map.
Your compass should be balanced for the southern hemisphere. These may be purchased from the MAPsport shop.
The Sun and Moon times for Cheviot (longitude E173° 15´, latitude S42° 45´) are
Saturday 20th November 2010 | ||
Moonrise | 19:12 | |
Sunset | 20:35 | |
End civil twilight | 21:08 | |
Sunday 21st November 2010 | ||
Moonset | 04:57 | |
Begin civil twilight | 05:17 | |
Sunrise | 05:50 |
The phase of the moon on 20th November 2010 is waxing gibbous with 97% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated. Full Moon is on 22nd November at 06:28.
Scoring will be electronic using the Navlight scoring system (PDF version).
There will be a tag for each team member attached by a tamper-proof wrist strap. The strap should be adjusted to be quite loose to avoid irritation over the 24hr period but not so loose that it will slip over your hand - ask a team mate to help adjust the strap.
There are at least two punches at all checkpoints. Each team member must "punch" their tag with either punch until a red flashing light is seen in the barrel of the punch (less than 3 seconds, and normally half a second). If neither punch will flash write down the 3-letter code visible inside one of them as a record of having visited the checkpoint. (There will be TEST punches available at the event centre for you to practice punching and for you to identify the 3-letter code). The punches will be hanging inside a length of black polythene pipe to protect them from wind and animals. After using them drop them down the tube again.
Each team member must record a visit to each checkpoint to gain points. If you suspect that a wrist tag has failed continue to punch it at all checkpoints and notify the official who removes your tag at the finish. Provided we are able to verify that the tag has indeed failed your team will be credited with the points recorded on the tag(s) of the other team members.
If a checkpoint is misplaced or missing rule B29a will be applied.
You must not stop at a checkpoint any longer than necessary to record your visit. If you want to stop for a rest or a discussion you must move at least 100 metres away from the checkpoint so as not to give its location away to another team (rule B18).
If you return to the headquarters during the event you must use one of the FINISH punches, which will be at the administration desk, even if you intend to go out again. If you do subsequently go out for more checkpoints you must use the DEPART punch at the administration desk as you depart (rule B20).
Start Procedure
At 09:00 on Saturday one person from each team should collect maps, checkpoint descriptions, 'flight plan' (intention) maps, and course notes from the Registration area in return for the map voucher provided in your Registration pack.
Plan your route and mark it, including the direction of travel, on the flight plan. The event will not start until all flight plans have been provided to the officials. You may subsequently modify your route according to conditions as you progress, but the flight plan will give us some idea of where to start looking if you are in trouble. Put your team number on the flight plan.
From 11:30 a team of officials will check the security of your wrist strap and activate your Navlight wrist tag as you are ushered into the START area for the briefing. All competitors must attend the compulsory briefing which begins at 11:45.
The scheduled start time of the event is 12:00 Saturday 20th November and the scheduled finish time is 12:00 Sunday 21st November. If the start is delayed for any reason the finish time will be 24hrs after the start time.
Finish Procedure
Punch your electronic tag with a FINISH punch which will be close to a large FINISH banner. An event official will direct you to a scoring station where the tag will be cut from your wrist. Your entire team must finish together.
Wait for a printout of your splits and final score and check your results. If there is anything you disagree with report to the supervisor at the Errors and Complaints desk. The supervisor will decide on any adjustments, will write the request on your printout, and return it to the person doing the scoring.
Extremely Important: On no account are you to leave the Rogaine without returning your wrist tag. This is our check that you have returned from the course. If we do not have your wrist tag we will begin a search involving specialised Search and Rescue teams and, if necessary, the New Zealand Police.
Hazards and Safety
There are no bears, snakes, mosquitoes, flies, tigers, jumping cactuses, or other nasties to spoil your fun or to demand caution. However, there are other hazards. New Zealand has strong health and safety legislation and both landowners and recreationists have responsibilities to minimise these hazards.
Farm animals - sheep, cattle, and deer - should not present problems as long as they are not crowded. Terrain hazards include rock bluffs, steep gullies, and partly collapsed minor erosion gullies that can catch a runner's leg. There are many barbed wire and electrified stock-proof fences which require care for safe crossing.
New Zealand's changeable weather is a great hazard. Exposure to wind, cold and rain is a major cause of death in New Zealand. Wind can rapidly change direction, reduce temperatures, and bring heavy rain. Be prepared for anything from calm conditions to winds averaging 50km/hr with gusts up to 80km/hr combined with rain squalls. Competitors will need good rain-proof and thermal clothing in bad weather. Sunshine can be very hot, and the ultra-violet component of the sunshine is among the highest in the world. Hats and sunscreen must be carried.
November daytime temperatures in Cheviot are usually in the range of 10° to 20° C, but the temperature could drop to 3° at night and could be up to 30° during the day. A frost is unlikely but possible. There is a 25% chance of rain during the event, with heavy and continuing showers possible.
A safety plan will be in place for the event, and a qualified first aid team will be stationed at the event centre. Because serious injury may require a trip to hospital, overseas competitors should ensure they have adequate medical insurance.
Highway: The course is cut into two by State Highway 1, the main route for the South Island. It has only a single lane in each direction. Because of the volume of fast moving traffic on this road, crossings of the road are strictly controlled. Competitors MUST NOT WALK ALONG THIS ROAD AND MUST CROSS IT ONLY AT DESIGNATED PLACES. Designated places are at six marked crossing points, or within the confines of Cheviot township (near the event centre). Each of the six marked crossing points has a checkpoint, labelled R1 to R6, which must be punched every time you cross the road. In most cases the crossing uses a bridge or culvert with the flag and punches under the roadway. In two cases the crossing is over the road. The first punching of a particular R checkpoint will score the team 15 points; subsequent visits do not score any points, but show that the team has used the correct crossing method. Failure to comply with the rules of crossing State Highway 1 will lead to the disqualification of a team.
Other smaller roads may be crossed with care at safe locations. Competitors are discouraged from walking along the formed road surface; you should walk on the roadside or on farmland near the road. Visitors to New Zealand must be aware that we drive on the left side of the road - always look both ways before crossing. Obey marshals at road crossings if present. We recommend you wear a reflective garment on roads at night.
Railway: A major railway track bisects the course in the north-south direction, west of State Highway 1. Competitors MUST NOT walk along the rail corridor comprising the track and the fenced enclosure bordering it. Competitors may only cross from one side of the track to the other at crossings (12 in total) which are marked on the map with a train symbol. These are: (1) roads, formed farm tracks, or bridges over the track; (2) bridges or culverts under which a crossing can safely be made; or (3) one crossing in the north which requires crossing fences and the track and which is clearly marked with a sign and tape. There are no checkpoints associated with rail crossings. If a team is approaching an over-the-tracks crossing point as a train is approaching, they must delay their crossing until after the train has passed. Failure to comply with the rules of crossing the railway track will lead to the disqualification of a team.
All roads are open to the public and you must obey normal road rules and etiquette. You are advised to wear reflective clothing.
Recommended Equipment
Strongly recommended minimum equipment and clothing is:
Cold Weather Gear | |
Thermal top and trousers | Warm hat and mittens |
Waterproof and windproof jacket | Thermal jersey or fleece outer top |
Gaiters or leggings | Survival sheet or blanket |
Strong footwear with a good grip | Daypack |
Other Gear | |
Water bottle (2 litres minimum) | Sun hat and sunscreen |
Compass, watch and pencil | Food |
Whistle each (compulsory under rule B14) | Headlamp or torch and batteries |
Basic first-aid kit for the team | Reflective garment for road safety at night |
If the weather forecast is severe the organisers may make the above cold weather gear compulsory and make checks before, during, and after the event to ensure that this clothing is carried. Competitors will be advised of compulsory gear requirements by 09:00 on event day. If you are in any doubt about the suitability of your equipment please ask an organiser.
Each team may carry a cell phone for use in an emergency. However, because many cell phones are GPS capable, any team found using a cell phone for other than an emergency will be disqualified.
In case of serious injury blow your whistle (six blasts at one second intervals, repeated every few minutes) so that another team in the vicinity can find you. Any team hearing the emergency call must respond to the team that is in distress (rule B30). If you have a cell phone then call or text the emergency number provided on the map. It may be necessary to move to high ground to obtain cell phone coverage.
You may request assistance at a farmhouse in an emergency.
Competitors are fully responsible for their own safety. All must sign an Indemnity and Emergency Contact Form.
The event will be run under the IRF Rules of Rogaining (1 June 2010). Please download the Rules for Participants and ensure you understand them. The New Zealand Rogaining Association Code of Conduct also applies.
Please note the following about the rules -
- There is no pre-defined time limit within which all members must punch (rule B16b) but members of a team must remain within unaided verbal contact at all times (rule B10).
- If a wrist tag is lost, or the wristband broken, the team will NOT be credited with the points gained before the issue of a replacement tag (rule B17).
- Only event officials may remove your tamper-proof wrist tags (rule B15)
- Race numbers issued to each team member must be worn and clearly visible at all times (rule B11).
- Rule B13 means:
No food or equipment shall be left on the course before the event for a team's use, and no food or equipment (including rubbish) shall be discarded on the course unless retrieved by the team during the event and brought by the team with them to the finish.
Additional event rules:
- The procedures for crossing State Highway 1 and the railway line, and specified under the section "Hazards and Safety" above, must be followed. Any breach will disqualify your team.
- Each team may carry a cell phone for an emergency but, because many cell phones are GPS capable, teams found using a cell phone for other than an emergency will be disqualified.
Environmental and farm care
Rogaining is an environmentally and socially friendly activity and we expect you to reinforce this ethic. This event is wholly on private land and we gratefully thank the 80 farming families who have welcomed us for this event.
- Respect farm animals, fences and other facilities, and the right of landowners to operate their business, and lifestyle.
- Leave gates as you found them. If YOUR team opens a gate, YOUR team must close it SECURELY. Do NOT rely on people in another team to close it.
- Cross fences at a strainer post, or climb through. Climb gates at the hinge end.
- Report any damage, or distress to stock, to the organisers
- Remove rubbish - more importantly, don't create it in the first place
- Bury toilet waste - better still, use the toilets provided at the START/FINISH where possible.
- Keep streams clean
Protests and Jury of Appeal
Reports of breaches of the rules, or protests against the event organisers, will be considered and determined by a three person jury. Such protests must be lodged in writing in English by 12:45 on the Sunday. The $20 fee for lodging a protest will be refunded if judgement is in your favour.
The jury panel will be selected from: Nick Collins, Mike Hotchkis, Anne Kennedy, Lauri Leppik, Alan Mansfield, Richard Robinson, Eric Smith and Sergey Yashchenko.
Acknowledging the Cheviot community
WRC2010 is a partnership between the local rural community and the New Zealand rogaining community. The organising committee warmly acknowledges the support of the whole Cheviot community. The Principal and Board of Trustees of Cheviot Area School have made the school facilities available for the event centre. The school's Home and School Association is providing the catering and other services. Above all, the local farming community are supporting this event by enabling recreational access to their land. Almost all the course is on privately-owned land.
If you have any queries about any of the above information first check out the Forum in case someone else has had the same query. If you cannot find the answer there then post your enquiry on the Forum or email the organisers.