Keep checking here for the latest breaking news
- 15thFebruary 2017
- As well as planning the course, Stuart Payne has been out on the course taking photos. Control 310 and On the course
- 14thFebruary 2017
- Greig Hamilton has produced this analysis of the routes that everyone took and their efficiency. Click here
- 13thFebruary 2017
- Results
- Results (with splits) are available at Results
- 12thFebruary 2017
- Provisional Results are available at Provisional Results
- 11thFebruary 2017
- Race Day
- The skies are clear and everyone is off
- See some first photos at 24 hour start
- 7thFebruary 2017
- Sandflies
- It might be worth taking sandfly repellent. Reporting from putting out the flags, "Found sand-flies at EVERY checkpoint in or near beech forest, even high up."
- 7thFebruary 2017
- Final bus information
- We will have the van, trailer and driver at Queenstown airport at 4.30pm.
Our coach will have Ritchies on it and the fleet number will be 968 and the Rego is HYC524.
The van will be parked in the bus park at the airport.
- 6thFebruary 2017
- The organizing team are on site as the operation "springs into gear".
- 31thJanuary 2017 - midnight
- Entries closed
- 30thJanuary 2017
- Protest Jury
The three-member jury to consider any protests under Competition Rule R28 will be selected from a panel consisting of:
- Tamsin Barnes
- Andy Buchanan
- Mike Hotchkis
- Anne Kennedy
- Trevor Merrifield
- Julie Quinn
- David Rowlands
Any of these people with a conflict of interest in the outcome will not be selected for service. We thank these people for their willingness to take on this role.
- 28thJanuary 2017
- Final Instructions to Competitors. Click here to view.
- 26thJanuary 2017
- After the recent flooding there may be some minor course damage. Any significant areas will be advised at the event.
- 24thJanuary 2017
- Due to the need for final numbers, there will be NO late entries accepted.
- 18thJanuary 2017
- This is an old gold-mining area. There may be some old shafts. Beware but note that the planners and course vetters did not see any in their time on the course.
- Rabbits and possums etc. are a major pest in most of NZ. There was a 1080 poison drop about two months ago. Don't eat anything that you find lying around.
- 16thJanuary 2017
- For your last coffee or those other small things, the Waikaia Store, Cafe ad Post Office will be open until 8pm Friday to Sunday opening at 8am on Friday/Saturday and 9am on Sunday. Check out the facebook page.
- 14thJanuary 2017
- Streams are drinkable in the higher tussock country but not recommended in lower areas including Waikaia River. Four water drops are provided on the lower country. If you are concerned about drinking from the higher streams (the course setters and vetters have done so on many trips) then we suggest you carry a filter device such as a Lifestraw or carry purification chemicals tablets such as Puritab or iodine tablets.
- 13thJanuary 2017
- Need further meals or bus transport. Click on the link on the entrants page.
- 11thJanuary 2017
- There is no petrol in Waikaia. The closest is Riversdale on the Gore to Lumsden highway.
- The water in the lower streams may not be drinkable. Those higher up should be safe.
- An extra event meal if purchased will only apply to the Sunday post event meal.
- 26thDecember 2016
- Find a Partner service added. Click Here
- 9thDecember 2016
- Click Instructions to Competitors to view.
- 21stNovember 2016
- There will not be a model course provided. There will be an orienteering event the previous weekend and one of the events will be in the native forest to the north of the rogaine so it will be a good introduction.
- Camping will be available at the event HQ from approximately 4 PM on Friday 10th February through to 10 AM on Monday 13th.
- 22ndOctober 2016
- Entries open.
- 15thOctober 2016
- Updates to Event Information and Event Details
- We are still awaiting approval from the bank for credit card payment before opening entries.
- 9thOctober 2016
- The championship event will also be the New Zealand Rogaining Championships.
- We are awaiting approval from the bank for credit card payment before opening entries.
- 2ndOctober 2016
- Details of events added including prices.
- Details of bus connections.
- Information page updated.
- Southern O Weekend
- 9thSeptember 2016
Promotional poster available to download. Please download and display where appropriate.
- Accommodation page added to Information.
- 27thJune 2016
- The event will be named "The Emperor". The meaning of this will become obvious to competitors.
- 23thJune 2016
- NZRA committee meeting held to organise budget, details of entry and transport options for competitors.
- 18thJune 2016
- Website updated to include Event Procedure, Rules and Regulations and Navlight Instructions
- 23rdApril 2016
- Waikaia Progress Report April 2016