Download and distribute a promotional poster

Event Information


Final Instructions (including Indemnity form) - share this information with all your team members.

Indemnity Form - be sure to bring a copy of the Indemnity Form to the event. You will not be registered until you lodge an Indemnity completed by all team members.

Event Options

In addition to the 24 hour championship there will be a 7 hour non-championship event using the same map. The 7hr event starts at 10.30am and the 24hr at noon.


A 75km drive west of Dunedin and 35mins from Dunedin airport. Detailed travel directions and other information will be in the final instructions emailed to the team contact one week prior to the event and will also be available on this website.

Terrain, Course and Map

The terrain is largely open farmland and tussock country with intricate streams and drainage patterns. The altitude range is from 350m to 1000m. There are a few woodlots and some pine plantations. See the gallery for some pictures taken in the region of the event centre.

The map will be prepared in OCAD and will be based on the Topo50 map series. Map scale will be 1:50 000, contour interval 20m, and size A3. It is pre-marked with checkpoint locations. Out of bounds areas are overprinted. The area of the map is approximately 130 square km. The map will NOT be printed on waterproof paper. (The WaikouWander map, showing the winning route for NZ Champs 2009, is representative of what to expect for this year's event. The location is about 50km north of this year's site).

Checkpoints will be identified with a standard orienteering control flag and Navlight electronic punching will be used. Instructions on the use of Navlight are available upper right on the homepage at, and anyone requiring it will be briefed personally at the event.

Event HQ/Hashhouse

The Event HQ/Hash-house is based at a woolshed with adjacent camping and parking. Camping will be available from 5pm Friday through to Monday 10am.

Toilets and drinking water will be available at the event centre. Shower facilities will not be available but a swim could be an invigorating option!

There is under-cover shelter in the sheep yards, but space inside the woolshed, where administration and meals will be managed is limited. You should be prepared to do your planning in your tent or vehicle if necessary.

During the 24hr event, soup and light food will be available at the HQ/Event centre from 18:00 on Saturday to 11:00 Sunday, and the main meal will be available from 12.30 until 13:30 on Sunday.

Fires, smoking, dogs, and guns are not permitted anywhere at the Rogaine venue, that is campsite, administration area, or on the course. If there has been a prolonged dry period prior to the event petrol/white-spirit stoves may be banned.


Travel by minivan from Dunedin city and Dunedin airport will be available for a return fare of $50. The schedule is

Friday - depart Rhodes Rentals depot, 124 St Andrew Street in the city at 6.15pm for the airport. Depart the airport at 7pm and after a short food stop in Mosgiel arrive at the event site shortly after 8pm.
Sunday - depart the event site as soon after 2pm as possible arriving at the airport by 3pm and Dunedin city by 3.45pm.

There is provision on the entry form for you to order minivan transport. The name of a transport co-ordinator will be notified shortly but, in the meantime, if you have any queries about the transport please contact Bob Cunninghame, Ph (03) 473 8330 or email:


If camping at the event centre is not your scene there is a variety of accommodation available in Dunedin (Motels, Backpackers, Camping grounds) and Mosgiel (Motels).

Event Timetable

Maps will be issued for the 24hr event at 09:00 and the 7hr event at 9.30 on Saturday. The 7hr rogaine starts at 10.30am and the 24hr event at midday.

Friday, 23rd November  
Registration at the event centre18:00 - 21:00 
Saturday and SundaySaturdaySundaySaturday
Registration opens07:30  
Maps distributed09:00  
Registration and map issue  09:30
Briefing – must be attended by all competitors11:45 10:15
Start12:00 10:30
Hash-house food begins18:00  
Hash-house food closes 11:00 
Finish 12:0017:30
Meal available 12:3017:30
Results 13:0018:00
Meal finishes 13:3018:30
Bus/minibus departs for Dunedin airport and Dunedin city (to be confirmed) 14:0014:00


Weather and astronomical

The weather on the east coast of Otago is unpredictable at this time of the year and is subject to rapid changes. Be prepared for anything from hot, dry NW conditions to cold SW weather with squalls of hail and sleet. In some weather conditions rain, low cloud and mist can cover the high ground very rapidly.

Moonrise: 16:45 Saturday Sunset: 21:02 Saturday
Moonset: 03:43 Sunday Sunrise: 05:48 Sunday

The full moon occurs on Thursday 29th November. The phase of the moon on 24th November will be waxing gibbous with 81% of the moon's visible disk illuminated.

Event Categories

There will be Open, Junior (under 23), Veteran, and Super-veteran grades in each of Men, Women and Mixed categories.


  1. In a Veteran team all members must be 40 or over on the first day of competition; in a Supervet team all members must be 55 or over on the first day of competition; in a Junior team all members must be under 23 on the first day of competition.
  2. Teams to consist of 2 to 5 people.
  3. All members of a team must fall within the team category
  4. In the 24hr event a team with a member 16 or under must also have a member 21 or over. For the 7hr event a team with a member under 14 must also have a member 18 or over.


These events will be run according to the standard championship rules available at A copy of the rules will be available at the event centre.


Online entries will open early October and the closing date for entries is 5pm Saturday, 10th November. Late entries will be accepted until 5pm Saturday, 17th November at the organiser’s discretion.

For the 24hr rogaine the event fee, which includes food during the rogaine and a post-event meal, is
Adult: $90 and Junior (under 23): $45

and for the 7hr rogaine, including a light post-event meal, the fee is
Adult: $45 and Junior (under 23):  $20

No refunds after entries close on the 10th November. Please, no switching between the 24hr and 7hr events after you have entered.

Payment may be made either by direct credit to NZRA Bank Account No. 03 0674 0197735 00 or by cheque payable to the New Zealand Rogaining Association. If paying by direct credit please use the team contact’s name as reference and transfer the payment promptly after entering. Post cheques to:

Moonlight on Mahinerangi Rogaine
c/o Emma de Lacey
108/4 Holmes Rd
R.D. 2
Tai Tapu 7672

Entries will be confirmed by posting them on the List of Entrants website page after payment has been received. The entry list will be updated regularly. Changes and corrections should be notified to Emma de Lacey, email, Ph. (03) 420 1846.

In the unlikely event that conditions are extreme on the day the event may be shortened or cancelled. Because we cannot recover pre-event expenditure there will be no entry fee refund.


Competitors must agree to abide by the NZRA Code of Conduct which may be viewed at the NZRA website.

Neither the organisers nor landowners accept liability for any accident or injury to participants during the event. The team contact on the entry form must ensure all team members are aware that they participate at their own risk. All team members will be required to provide a signed indemnity form at registration.

Safety information, clothing requirements and suggestions for equipment will be included in the information package emailed to team contacts about one week before the event.

Environmental and Farm Care

Please respect the landowners’ property and privacy. Their support and cooperation in permitting access to their properties for hosting this rogaine is very generous. We do not in any way wish to jeopardise the positive relationship that we have established with landowners over the years.

Some key issues are:

  • Respect farm animals, fences and other facilities, and the right of landowners to operate their business, and lifestyle.
  • Respect the privacy and security of houses and property.
  • Leave gates as you found them. If YOUR team opens a gate, YOUR team must close it SECURELY. Do NOT rely on people in another team to close it.
  • Be careful not to spook or cramp stock into fence corners.
  • Cross fences at a strainer post, or climb through. Climb gates at the hinge end.
  • Report any damage, or distress to stock, to the organisers so we can mitigate it.
  • Remove rubbish - more importantly, don't create it in the first place
  • Bury toilet waste - better still, use the toilets provided at the START/FINISH where possible. Keep streams clean

Access to any properties is only for the duration of the event. Possession of the map does not entitle us to access at any other time.



General enquiries should be made to –
Bob Cunninghame, Ph (03) 473 8330 or email:
Entry enquiries, after entries open in early October, to –
Emma de Lacey, Ph. (03) 420 1846 or email:

Further information, rules etc

For further information and explanation of Rogaining see the NZRA website –

Additional event-specific information will be in the final instructions emailed to the team contact one week prior to the event and will also be available on this website.