Welcome to the
2011 New Zealand Rogaining Championships
24 hour and "15 in 24" hour events
Will the scent of ripening grapes or coastal sea air wafting up in to the hills and in the air as you enter Marlborough add to the unique experience of the 2011 champs? Maybe the sensory glands will be overcome with thoughts of Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Noir to distract you from the task at hand. Will willpower to get the next control and thereafter be strong or instead bailing out and heading for a local winery? Whatever your preferred variety be assured that this will be a memorable event - spectacular terrain, course, landscapes and views. You'll remember it every time you travel through Marlborough - just like a fine wine.
A rogaine is an endurance orienteering event. It involves competitors travelling on foot in teams of a least two and at the most five people, visiting designated sites shown on a 1:50,000 topographical map, for which they accumulate points. The skill is in choosing a route that maximises points gained for effort expended, while returning to the finish on time. Rogaines appeal to trampers, orienteers and endurance athletes.
Question: Are Rogaines only for serious competitors?
Answer: NO! Rogaines are for everyone who enjoys the outdoors. All competitors start and finish at the same time. You are free to do as much or as little as you like. Many teams will include a sleep back at base in the 24 hours.